I have been seeing Stephanie Davies for over five years. As a professional musician in a major symphony orchestra, there is a lot of wear and tear on my arms, shoulders and neck. I first went to her with a stubborn pain in my left arm that would not go away with the treatments I had tried. I went for fairly regular weekly or bi-weekly treatments with Stephanie over a period of about seven months and realized that the pain was gone. She is a miracle worker.
— David Professional cellist
As a cellist of forty plus years, I am no stranger to work-related pain, but last year a minor injury began turning into a chronic problem. A colleague, herself a long standing client, referred me to SD Rehab. Stephanie was immediately able to assess my problem and make an adjustment that put me on a healing path.

Stephanie is a gifted therapist, and beyond that, she is unique in her ability to bring the client to a full understanding of their pain source. She works with him/her to strengthen the surrounding structures to ameliorate pain. I can now recognize the signs of tension build up and take measures to counteract this and avoid the ensuing pain. This skill sets Stephanie apart from the other therapists I have worked with over the years. Chicago musicians are very lucky to have her! The SD Rehab studio is a welcoming environment, free of the clinical harshness of many rehab facilities. Stephanie has created a healing aesthetic for her clients. The day I was referred to SD Rehab was a happy one for me. I am forever grateful to the colleague who steered me this way, and if I am that person for you, you’re welcome!
— Margaret Professional cellist
About five years ago, I was playing catch with my wife and son, and reached up quickly for a high throw. It felt like a knife had gone through my shoulder. I lived with the pain for a while, and built my life around not positioning my left arm in various ways. Eventually, it became painful to play my instrument, and I knew I had to do something. A colleague urged me to try SD Rehab.

Stephanie probably saved my career. For several weeks, we worked together with massage and guided exercises for strengthening and flexibility, which gradually undid decades of habits that had gotten me into my difficulties. Stephanie didn’t “fix” me; what she did was far more remarkable. She showed me how to heal myself.

I had another physical crisis this past summer. After a grueling stretch at work, my back went into spasm, radiating pain in my right hip. For a time it was even painful to stand up, and walking to a different room was an ordeal. I called Stephanie, of course, and she managed to free up time for me in a schedule that was already packed—at one point, she actually worked with me on a Sunday morning!

It was a difficult problem to diagnose, because the pain was referring to my hip, which had no role in playing my instrument. I remember playing in Stephanie’s office, and seeing her diagnostic skills. After a while, she pressed into a muscle on my back—and my right hip felt the pain! She had figured it out, and we got to work. Three months later, I am playing again and living my life. I am not quite at 100% yet, but I am very close, and every day is better. I spend time each day doing the work she has prescribed for me, once again teaching my body how to move in a way that will not do it harm.

Stephanie has turned my physical travails into blessings in disguise, teaching me (actually guiding me into teaching myself) a completely different way of using my body. The experience will immeasurably benefit my quality of life in the years to come. I cannot recommend SD Rehab strongly enough.
— M.R. Professional musician
Stephanie’s group meditations are a wonderful way to experience meditation in a group setting free from pressure and judgment while still being down to earth. It gives me the opportunity to find calm and peace in my week while gaining energy from the whole group! It’s a must try!

Starting meditation has been one of the most challenging things I’ve undertaken in a long time, but it’s also been so worth it. I honestly feel like my blood pressure is lower when I leave the studio, and it helps me refocus on what’s important in life. Like most things, it’s been worth the effort and I look forward to continuing this journey.
— J.B. Dietician
I enjoy the meditation sessions because it reminds me that I don’t always have to be solving a problem or planning something. It’s okay to be quiet and just be. And meditation helps me unlock a feeling of possibility and creativity.
— Irene H.
I can’t say exactly how Stephanie’s meditation sessions benefit me but I know I always feel better after spending an hour with her and others in her studio. Mostly I like the “just sitting” part.

Stephanie has created a great atmosphere. Her studio is peaceful and warm, and is welcoming to everyone, even to those of us who, because of aching knees, need to sit on a chair instead of a cushion.

Meditation with Stephanie is “just sitting” but it’s more than that. Stephanie offers a short presentation that gives us focus, a bit of guidance that we can choose to use or not.

Everyone is made to feel at ease, no matter what one’s experience or physical condition. I only wish we could meditate daily with Stephanie...
— J.M. Therapist