Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress; and, to promote health and wellness. Therapeutic massage uses a variety of modalities that include holding, applying pressure to different areas of the body and stretching.
Stone Massage
SD Rehab now offers Hot Stone Massage! Hot Stone Massage uses basalt stones, a type of volcanic rock known for retaining heat, to increase blood flow, reduce muscle spasms and increase flexibility and range of motion. Smooth, flat stones are placed intentionally on and along the body for maximum benefit. The massage therapist will also hold some heated stones while using Swedish massage techniques such as long strokes, circular motions, and kneading. Hot Stone Massage has been shown to relieve muscle tension and pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and even relieve symptoms of autoimmune diseases.